Amana Parenting is a parenting service offering a more peaceful, sunnah-centered approach to raising your children. Our mission is to help empower moms, like you, fulfill the “Amana” - the responsibility of guiding and safekeeping our children. 

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Salaams Moms!

I am Yusur Hassan , the founder of Amana Parenting. and I have been on my parenting journey for over 20 years and homeschooling for 18 years. As a certified parent coach/educator, I have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of Muslim moms individually + in groups and have created a peaceful parenting framework aligned with Prophetic teachings.

My mission at Amana Parenting is to provide you with a path that fills your parenting role with more confidence, ease and joy while guiding your children with love, kindness, and firm limits.

Read Yusurā€™s journey.

“Our beloved children are one of the two joys of this world.”

Amana Parenting offers

  • 1-on-1 coaching. 
  • programs and workshops.
  • a monthly newsletter.
Learn about Amana Parenting services.

 Amana Parenting can move you...

  • from frustration to joy.
  • from discouraged to encouraged.
  • from disconnected to deeply connected.
  • from mom-guilt to confidence.
  • from surviving to thriving.
Learn about Amana Parenting services.

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